It’s the first day of the weekend! Here’s what we did today:

Avery woke up at 7:45 a.m. She still hasn’t learned that Saturdays are for sleeping in! She played in our room for a bit while Chris and I slowly adjusted to the fact that it was morning. Then Avery and Chris had their usual Saturday breakfast of sharing a bowl of Cheerios and a Pop-Tart. I don’t think Daddy gets to eat much, but he enjoys sharing this meal with Avery every week.

Chris has been very motivated to make improvements in the yard this summer. Maybe it’s because he hasn’t been mowing the lawn very much due to the dry weather! Today he wanted to clean out the overgrown plants along the fence on the north side of our property. And of course Avery wanted to help.

Avery asked for her own garden gloves recently. So we bought these pink Disney princess gloves last week. Unfortunately, they’re a little big. But I’m sure Avery will grow into them by next summer.

The before pictures.

And the after. These pictures don’t do justice to Chris’ efforts. He got rid of a lot of overgrowth. We’re going to let this area sit until next spring when we’ll plant new somethings here as well as in the front flowerbeds.

Look at how long this vine is!

Take a look at Chris’ uniform: Cincinnati Reds hat, Butler women’s basketball T-shirt, camouflage pants courtesy of Casey and Nike shoes. It was quite an outfit! But the pants did the trick: They were very heavy-duty and kept Chris’ legs from getting banged up or bitten by bugs.

Avery helped for only a little while. Some bugs started bothering her, and she told Daddy, “Bugs off Avery!” Daddy told her that bugs would bother her if she helped him in all these weeds. So she said, “OK, Avery go inside now.”

Avery and I had a special lunch today with the ladies of the Rork family: my mom, my sister, my aunt, my cousin and her son, and my grandma and her sister. Our traditional hangout seems to be Panera. So that’s where we ate again today.

Here’s Avery enjoying her macaroni and cheese. I’m pretty sure one day she will turn into macaroni and cheese because she eats it so much!

After lunch, we all came back to our house to play and talk.

Avery was trying to teach Joel how to jump. He did manage to lift one leg, but he wasn’t ready to jump with both feet!

Here is my grandma’s sister Orene. They could be twins. In fact, when Avery ran to greet Granny, she did a double take when she saw Orene. She was a little confused about seeing two Grannys!

Avery convinced Aunt Pauline, Aunt Karen, Joel and Granny to play Ring around the Rosie. As you can see in the last picture, Granny really got into the “all fall down” part.

After the girls and Joel left, Avery went down for a nap. Chris wanted to have a grilled surf and turf dinner, so I ran to the grocery store for an odd list of items.

We decided to have bacon-wrapped scallops…

…steaks marinated in Italian dressing, baked potatoes and corn on the cob. The only thing I was responsible for was the corn!

I’m so glad that Chris is such a grill master and that he loves grilling in the summer. It offers a nice change of pace to our usual menu.

Avery pretty much ate just corn. I don’t know why she loves breakfast and lunch so much but usually isn’t interested in dinner.

After dinner, we washed the dishes and played with Avery for a bit. Then it was time for a bath.

She’s quite the poser, huh?

It was Chris’ night for reading and rocking. Avery went down pretty easily, although she stayed awake talking quietly for a little longer than we would have liked. She finally fell asleep around 8:15 p.m.

And here are a few other things I want to document about this week:

I started this book earlier in the week. I really like Dee Henderson’s books.

Here are the cars we’re driving right now. The red one is ours, but the gray one is on loan from my parents. Over the past few months, we were having electrical issues with our Jeep. These issues prevented the Jeep from starting, but the problem would happen very randomly. Finally, we decided that we needed to get rid of the Jeep before one of us got stuck somewhere. So until we buy a new car, we’re using my parents’ “extra” car. We have a few more payments left on my car, so hopefully we can pay it off and buy another one before Chris’ basketball season starts.

And the textbook for Chris’ next class arrived today. His next class is Old Testament Poetry and Prophecy. It will be a lot of reading in five short weeks, but I know he’ll enjoy learning from some little-read books of the Bible.
It’s hard to believe that this Week in the Life project is over tomorrow! I guess I’d better think a little more about what I want my final scrapbook to look like.
Week in the Life 2011: Saturday