Yesterday we kicked off a new week by attending Damon’s annual well-child checkup. Here are his current stats:

Weight – 56.2 pounds, an increase of 5.2 pounds since last year (25th percentile)
Height – 49.5 inches, an increase of 2 inches since last year (10th percentile)

We didn’t have many questions this time around. Doctor’s appointments seem to get easier as the kids get older! I asked when Damon should stop using the booster seat in the car. And we discussed his seasonal allergies, which always seem to pop up as the weather changes. Dr. Roscoe mentioned that Damon is very flat-footed. The doctor recommended using over-the-counter shoe inserts if Damon ever complains about pain in the future. But it’s also quite possible that Damon may never complain about pain. It all just depends on the person!

Dr. Roscoe didn’t have any other concerns and gave Damon a clean bill of health. We have a very happy and healthy boy!

Nine-year doctor’s appointment