Last night Damon and I attended his annual well-child checkup. Here are his current stats:

Weight – 51 pounds, an increase of 3.5 pounds since last year (20th percentile)
Height – 47.5 inches, an increase of 2 inches since last year (10th percentile)

Damon desperately wanted to be 48 inches (4 feet) tall. He was so disappointed when the nurse announced 47.5 inches!

Thanks to Daddy and Avery, Damon is ready to take up running as a new sport. So we talked with Dr. Roscoe about how far Damon can run before we need to worry about injuries to his growing body. Damon was excited to hear that he can run as far as he wants, within reason. No marathons or anything like that!

Damon seems to suffer from minor seasonal allergies, though mostly only at night. So Dr. Roscoe encouraged us to start using Claritin or Zyrtec during the day in addition to the Benadryl we already use at night. He also mentioned that Flonase at night might help Damon sleep better. Here’s hoping!

I’m thanking God for our healthy sports-loving boy!

Eight-year doctor’s appointment