Last night Damon and I attended his annual well-child checkup. Here are his current stats:

Weight – 47.4 pounds, an increase of 5.2 pounds since last year (25th percentile)
Height – 45.5 inches, an increase of 2 inches since last year (10th percentile)

Dr. Roscoe and I talked about a few minor issues, including face acne from wearing masks (thanks, COVID) and the COVID vaccination. Dr. Roscoe pointed out that Damon has flat feet and pronation in his feet. Damon could experience some pain as he grows older because of this, especially if he takes up running like Avery or continues to play basketball. While some kids experience this discomfort, Dr. Roscoe also said that other kids might never notice anything. So we’ll wait and see what happens with Damon.

We’re so blessed to have such a great pediatrician!

Seven-year doctor’s appointment