Besides celebrating our risen Savior, this day is always a special one because it brings both sides of the family together. But thanks to COVID-19, we celebrated with just the four of us this year.

Grandma and Grandpa Hromada dropped off Easter goodies and filled eggs earlier in the week. We FaceTimed a live egg hunt with them and Aunt Karen this morning.

As we were starting to make Easter lunch, Mommaw and Poppaw dropped off their own Easter goodies and filled eggs. We had an egg hunt in the front yard while they watched from their car.

Luckily, Grandma was able to finish making the kids’ Easter outfits! So we took pictures of the kids all dressed up. We don’t have our usual family photos right now, but we’ll do those after the quarantine is lifted and we can celebrate Easter with everyone…probably in June!

Of course, the kids had to do a few funny photos too.

Chris blessed us with a delicious grilled lunch, complete with steak, potatoes, baked beans, and homemade bread we made last week.

Our Easter wasn’t exactly what we planned, but it was great nonetheless. We hope you and your family had a wonderful Easter too!

Happy “social distancing” Easter!