Avery’s annual doctor was yesterday. This one kind of snuck up on me! We didn’t have any concerns about our easygoing girl. Here are her latest stats:

Weight – 49.2 pounds, an increase of about 2.5 pounds since last year (10th percentile). I can’t believe she isn’t at 50 pounds yet!
Height – 48 inches, an increase of 1.75 inches since last year (3rd percentile)

Once again, we noticed that Avery is very petite. But Dr. Roscoe confirmed that she still is growing right along the curve where she should be.

We ended up having a double appointment. On Tuesday, Damon broke out in a rash on his cheeks, arms, and legs. So while we were at Avery’s appointment, we asked Dr. Roscoe to examine Damon too. The suspected diagnosis was Fifths Disease. Chris thinks he also had a mild case of this last week. The rash isn’t contagious, and it indicates it’s the end of the virus, so there’s nothing we can do except watch Damon to be sure he doesn’t get any worse.

9-year doctor’s appointment