In the blink of an eye, we are finished with our study of the Gospel of John! Here is what I learned this year:

What I learned in my personal study

Jesus’ love knows no bounds. He loved me so much that He willingly died on the cross for me. My heart was broken as I again read about Jesus’ brutal death and willing sacrifice. And then I considered that He did all of that for me. Who am I that He should love me that much? I am so grateful and blessed that He calls me His child!

Jesus is concerned about the details. John recorded so many details about Jesus’ life, especially related to the prophesies surrounding His death, burial, and crucifixion. And Jesus was concerned about many details in His followers’ lives, things many of us would have overlooked. I’m a detail person too, so it’s comforting to know that God cares about every detail of our lives!

What I learned by serving in the School Program

God will make His plan for our lives very clear. All we need to do is listen and obey. Just before this BSF year began, God revealed to me that He was calling me to leave BSF. I needed to be sure that I heard His plan correctly. I spent many months praying for clarity and confirmation from Him. He did just that, giving me peace that I was making the right decision. So after 14 years in BSF with nine being in a leadership position, it is time for me to leave this organization. God has given me many years of training and preparation through my studies in BSF so now I can train Avery and Damon to read and understand God’s Word, pray to Him, and become His children.

I hope you enjoyed our study through the book of John! Have my posts piqued your interest about studying God’s Word? Are you looking for answers to your questions about Christianity? Check out BSF! Find a class near you and commit to learning about God through a study of the book of Romans next year. Or find a Bible study at your local church, ask a friend to study with you and hold you accountable, or start studying on your own. God will reveal amazing things to you and will change you from the inside out when you commit to studying His Word.

BSF 2016-2017: What I learned this year