Last week we saw that Jesus was beaten, flogged, and sentenced to die by crucifixion. He was forced to carry the crossbar of His cross on the mile-long walk to Golgotha (or Calvary). This place was outside the city of Jerusalem. It was a public place on a main road full of people coming to Jerusalem for Passover.

Traditionally a sign was posted on the cross, indicating the criminal’s charge. Pilate ordered Jesus’ sign to read, “Jesus of Nazareth, the King of the Jews.” The sign was written in Aramaic (the language of religion, the language of the Jews), Latin (the language of law, the language of the Romans), and Greek (the language of philosophy, the language of the foreigners in Jerusalem). These languages allowed all people to read the sign declaring Jesus as the King and Savior of the entire world.

An unseen sign also was posted on the cross; a list of your sins – past, present, and future.

The soldiers who crucified Jesus took His clothes. They divided them into four pieces (outer garment, sandals, turban, girdle). The undergarment remained in one piece; the soldiers cast lots for the undergarment. Jesus willingly was disrobed so we could be clothed in His righteousness. God looks at believers and sees Jesus’ purity and righteousness instead of our sins.

The people passing by mocked Jesus and hurled insults at Him. In the midst of this chaos, Jesus was focused on His followers. Jesus instructed the apostle John to care for His mother, Mary. John obeyed and took care of Mary after Jesus’ death. Five people were at the cross, identifying themselves as Jesus’ followers – Mary, Jesus’ mother; Mary, the wife of Clopas; Mary Magdalene; the disciple John; John’s mother, Salome, who also was John’s mother.

Jesus said, “I am thirsty.” The soldiers offered Him wine vinegar on a hyssop stalk. The wine vinegar was a cheap wine that the soldiers drank. Hyssop symbolizes cleansing (Exodus 12, Psalm 51).

After Jesus took the drink, He triumphantly says, “It is finished.” Then He willingly gave up His spirit. “It is finished” is translated “paid in full.” Jesus’ death paid for all of your sins. He accomplished the work God gave Him to do.

Jesus’ death was not an accident. Jesus was committed to completing the work God gave Him to do. He accomplished everything God set out for Him to do.

Things to Think About

  • Jesus is King.
  • Is Jesus your King? Do you live like He is your King?
  • Throughout the pain, humiliation, and ridicule of His crucifixion, Jesus loved and cared for the people dearest to Him.
  • Do you love others as Jesus loves them?
  • Jesus sees, knows, and cares for those He loves.
  • Jesus was aware of everything that happened during His crucifixion. Nothing took Him by surprise.
  • Jesus completed the work of redemption.
  • Have you been redeemed by the blood of the Lamb?
This Week’s Memory Verse
When he had received the drink, Jesus said, “It is finished.” With that, he bowed his head and gave up his spirit. John 19:30 NIV

BSF 2016-2017: John 19:18-30