Jesus led His disciples to the Garden of Gethsemane. He chose to go to the place where He knew Judas would find Him. Judas brought a detachment of soldiers (up to 600 men), officials, and chief priests with him to arrest Jesus.

Jesus asked the soldiers who they were looking for. When they responded, “Jesus of Nazareth,” Jesus responded, “I AM.” He was proclaiming His position as God. The soldiers fell down at Jesus’ glory.

After the soldiers picked themselves up, Jesus again asked who they were looking for. Again, He said, “I AM.” Jesus commanded that the soldiers let His disciples go. He was trying to protect His disciples.

Peter drew a sword and cut off a servant’s ear. Jesus rebuked Peter and told him to put away his sword. Peter was demonstrating his rebellion against the will of God. Jesus healed the servant’s ear.

The soldiers arrested Jesus, bound Him, and took Him to Annas. Annas was the former high priest.

Jesus was in full control of this situation, and He was in full surrender to God’s will. Jesus accepted His Father’s will and submitted to it. Jesus did not fight against God’s will. He knew God was in control. And He knew there was no other way for us to be with God unless Jesus died on the cross.

Annas led the Jewish trial against Jesus. It was an illegal trial for many reasons, including because it was held at night, Annas asked self-incriminating questions of Jesus, and Annas should not have led the trial.

Peter and another disciple were in the courtyard and witnessed Jesus being transported from Annas to Caiaphas. In the courtyard, a servant girl asked Peter if he was a disciple of Jesus. Peter said he wasn’t. More people in the courtyard asked Peter if he was a disciple of Jesus. Peter said he wasn’t. A relative of the servant whose ear Peter had cut off told Peter that he saw him with Jesus. For the third time, Peter denied knowing Jesus. Then the rooster crowed, reminding Peter of Jesus’ prediction earlier that night.

At the same time that Jesus willingly faced God’s plan, Peter was fearful and denied knowing Jesus. When we are focused on fear, we are led astray from Jesus.

Things to Think About

  • Jesus was not a victim of circumstance; He was a victor.
  • Jesus willingly let Himself be arrested and willingly subjected Himself to unfair trials, leading to an unjust crucifixion.
  • Do you deliberately choose to accept and submit to God’s will, even when it involves suffering, pain, and loss?
This Week’s Memory Verse
Jesus commanded Peter, “Put your sword away! Shall I not drink the cup the Father has given me?” John 18:11 NIV

BSF 2016-2017: John 18:1-27