We had Avery’s annual doctor’s appointment on Wednesday. I was curious to see how she’s grown over the past year. Here are her latest stats:

Weight – 46.8 pounds, an increase of almost 5.5 pounds since last year (between 10th and 25th percentile)
Height – 46.25 inches, an increase of 1.75 inches since last year (between 3rd and 5th percentile)

Nurse Janie commented that Avery is 46 squared – 46 pounds and 46 inches! While Avery is small, she continues to grow appropriately according to the growth chart. And that’s all that matters!

Dr. Roscoe said we need to continue discussing scenarios with her. She needs to know how she would handle emergencies, stranger danger, and other common situations where she might find herself.

8-year doctor’s appointment