While Avery started second grade yesterday, Damon had his own milestone – his two-year doctor’s appointment. Here are his current stats:

Weight – 27 pounds, 12 ounces (50th percentile)
Height – 34 inches (50th percentile)
Head – 18.75 inches (unknown percentile)

He falls right in the middle of the growth chart, which is quite the opposite for his petite sister!

Before his three-year appointment, Damon should begin to say his ABCs, count to ten, recognize and say shapes and colors, speak in three-word sentences, and dress/undress himself. I think he’s about halfway there because he can do a lot of these things already. We also should be able to understand about three-quarters of what he speaks.

The next milestone is potty training. We plan to tackle that in a few weeks. Last week Damon said to me, “Mommy, change diaper.” He was barely wet, so apparently he actually felt himself go. Maybe he will be just as easy as Avery was!

Damon’s next doctor’s appointment will be next July. Let’s hope he doesn’t need a sick visit before that!

Two-year doctor’s appointment