We celebrated Independence Day the way many Americans do: family, food and fun in the pool!

The festivities were held at Chris’ parents’ house. The guests included my parents and sister as well as two sets of Chris’ aunts and uncles. Avery loved having so many of her favorite people in one place. She especially loved splashing around with Aunt Karen in the pool.

Spending time at Mommaw and Poppaw’s house wouldn’t be complete without playing with their dogs, Molly and Brady. For Avery, “playing” includes running around the yard with the dogs and trying to hug them.

It’s really sweet to see her with the dogs. It’s obvious that Molly and Brady like Avery, and I know the feeling is mutual!

Avery and Grandpa built some houses out of plastic blocks. As a former architecture major, I’m sure my Dad can’t wait to play with Lincoln Logs and Erector Sets to build other things with Avery.

Look! I was there, too! Chris was in charge of pictures, so he finally caught me in front of the camera.

When we got home, Avery was a hot, smelly mess. So it was a good excuse to take her first bath in her new bathtub.

She looks so big in that tub! Before now, we used an inflatable tub inside the actual tub. But since she’s starting to outgrow it, we’ve decided to forego the inflatable tub altogether.
We hope you enjoyed your Fourth of July holiday as much as we did!
Swimming, running and bathing on Independence Day