Many of us in the BSF world have been waiting with bated breath for this year. Finally, we are studying the book of Revelation! Once again, each week, I will provide summaries about the lessons, starting today. Since I serve
Throwback Thursday: Giggly girl
Avery December 2010
Throwback Thursday: Three generations of jockeys
Here are three very special pictures of a very special toy horse. Grandpa Hromada had this wooden horse as a boy. Then he passed it along to me and Aunt Karen when we were kids. For Damon’s first birthday, Grandpa
Microwaved scrambled eggs
I’ve never been very good at making scrambled eggs. They’re either too wet or too dry. And they take too much babysitting. So when Chris’ mom gave me this microwaved scrambled eggs recipe several years ago, I knew I had
Avery’s official first grade picture
Look at how much my baby girl has grown!
Throwback Thursday: Bathtime
Damon July 2014
Throwback Thursday: Poolside
Aunt Ann and Teresa Undated photo Circa 1980
Throwback Thursday: Honeymoon memories
Chris and Teresa Nassau, Bahamas April 20, 2004
Pork Chop Willy’s Grilling Rub
Recently Chris decided to grill some pork chops for dinner. But he wanted a new recipe. Enter this pork grilling rub from Epicurious. The chops were delicious and juicy. I don’t know if I can attribute that exclusively to the
Throwback Thursday: Puffs, please
Avery and Mommy October 2010