Do you realize that you need correction? God needs to correct our actions and attitudes. God’s purpose for this discipline is “…for our good, in order that we may share in his holiness” (Hebrews 12:10). God did just that with Jacob.
BSF 2012-2013: Genesis 27-28
This week we look at a situation where Isaac, Rebekah, Esau and Jacob all sinned against God. Each person dealt with the consequences of their sins for the rest of their lives. God showed that His plan would unfold as
Enemy territory
Many moons ago, Chris was a student manager for the University of Southern Indiana’s men’s basketball team. While there, he met two men who went on to have very successful national basketball coaching careers. The first was the head coach
BSF 2012-2013: Genesis 25:19-34
Do you tend to focus on your immediate problems and circumstances instead of your eternal future? I know I can be guilty of this. As humans, it’s so easy for us to get hung up on what’s happening in the
BSF 2012-2013: Genesis 21-28 (Isaac’s life)
This week, we will review Isaac’s life from his perspective. Then for the next few weeks, we’ll look at some of the same situations but see them from Jacob’s point of view. Isaac was Abraham and Sarah’s promised son. We can
BSF 2012-2013: Genesis 24:1-25:18
God guides His children, and we must yield to that guidance. That’s the powerful lesson we can take from this week’s passage. Sarah has died. Abraham has lived a long, blessed life. But he must have had a sense of
BSF 2012-2013: Genesis 22-23
I was a pretty good test-taker in school. I didn’t sweat them too much and usually got pretty good grades. On the other hand, God’s tests are much harder to pass. And I often don’t get advanced warning for when
Approaching the end of the season
It’s not very often that Chris gets to ref at Avery’s future high school. So we took advantage of the close location and went to watch him perform. It also was almost our last chance to see him since the
BSF 2012-2013: Genesis 20-21
At the end of this study, I think my favorite character from the book of Genesis will be Abraham. Or maybe Jacob. Or Joseph. Well, right now it’s Abraham! I love seeing how he completely obeys God without questions (such
BSF 2012-2013: Genesis 18-19
This week’s lesson gives us applications from three people: Sarah, Abraham and Lot. We’ll start with Sarah. Abraham probably told Sarah about God’s promise (Genesis 17:19), but Sarah had to believe the promise herself. This reminds us that we can’t