There’s a lot to cover this week, so I’ll do a lot of summarizing. Hold on to your hats! First, the Pharisees question Jesus about one of the hot topics of the day. They ask if God accepts divorce. Jesus answers
Throwback Thursday: Coming home
Karen, Harold, Teresa, Fern and Lori Anne October 1981 Part of what makes this picture so special is my grandmother’s handwriting on the back.
BSF 2013-2014: Matthew 18
Matthew 18 teaches us how to live in God’s family. God uses this chapter to teach us that greatness in His eyes includes humility, selflessness and forgiveness. The chapter begins with the disciples arguing about who will be the greatest
BSF 2013-2014: Matthew 17
About a week after the events in last week’s study, Jesus takes Peter, James and John to a mountain. While Jesus is praying there, He is transfigured. Jesus’ face shines like the sun, and His clothes becomes bright white. This was
BSF 2013-2014: Matthew 16
In this chapter, Jesus reveals His mission to His disciples. He also reveals a special mission for the disciples. The Pharisees and the Sadducees ask Jesus for a sign. They are plotting to kill Jesus and trying to trick Him. Jesus
Spilling the beans
As Chris and I talked about sharing the news about Pez with everyone, we knew we would tell Avery first. And we wanted to make it a special event. So we decided to have a family pizza and movie night
BSF 2013-2014: Matthew 15
This chapter depicts three distinct moments during Jesus’ ministry. And these three moments can be summed up in three words. Hypocrisy Hypocrisy is when our behavior doesn’t line up with our beliefs. Jesus had left Israel, but the Pharisees traveled
Throwback Thursday: Windblown girls
Teresa, Shirley and Karen Niagara Falls Undated photo Circa 1986
BSF 2013-2014: Matthew 13:31-35, 44-58; 14
Did you miss me? :o) We had an extended break from BSF since our class was cancelled last week due to the snow storm. So this week’s lesson is two-for-one. We start out by looking at more parables spoken by
Throwback Thursday: Look, kids! Big Ben! Parliament!
Teresa London November 2000