Now we see Moses taking his first step of obedience to God – he goes to ask Pharaoh to release the Israelites from slavery. Together Moses and Aaron make a request of Pharaoh on the behalf of God. Pharaoh said
BSF 2014-2015: Exodus 3:1-4:31
In today’s lesson, God calls Moses to free His people from slavery in Egypt. Moses responds how many of us respond to God’s call on us today. Moses gives several excuses, culminating with, “Send someone else!” While Moses is tending
BSF 2014-2015: Exodus 2:11-25
Last week we saw Moses’ adoption into Pharaoh’s family. Forty years pass between Exodus 2:10 and Exodus 2:11. Now has an identity crisis. He was born in a Hebrew family, lived a few years with them and then lived as
BSF 2014-2015: Exodus 1:1-2:10
In this week’s lesson, we see that God is sovereign. To be sovereign means that God is in control and determines the outcome of all things. He has the absolute authority to rule over all people and nations. God strategically places
Throwback Thursday: Steffi Graf wannabe
Teresa 1995
BSF 2014-2015: Introduction to the Life of Moses
Welcome to a new year of BSF! This year, we will study the life of Moses. And once again, each Tuesday (or maybe another day of the week!) I will provide summaries about the lessons, starting today. First, let’s start
Throwback Thursday: The Rork family
(front, left to right) Jon, Jim, Chris, Jon, (back, left to right) Pauline, Lori Anne, Kim, David, Karen, Teresa, Elizabeth, Shirley David and Kim’s wedding Aug. 12, 2006
Throwback Thursday: European vacation
Jon, Teresa and Karen Warwick Castle Warwick, England November 2000
Throwback Thursday: Karen’s big 3-0
Karen, Teresa, Avery and Shirley Karen’s surprise 30th birthday lunch March 2011
BSF 2013-2014: What I learned this year
I hope you enjoyed studying Matthew this year and seeing Jesus walk the earth as both God and man. Here’s what I learned in Matthew this year: What I learned in my personal study: God despises hypocrisy. Throughout Matthew, Jesus denounces