Avery and Karen November 2010
Throwback Thursday: Friends for life

Avery and Karen November 2010
Karen and Teresa Tucson, Ariz. Undated photo Circa 1985
Here are three very special pictures of a very special toy horse. Grandpa Hromada had this wooden horse as a boy. Then he passed it along to me and Aunt Karen when we were kids. For Damon’s first birthday, Grandpa
Aunt Ann and Teresa Undated photo Circa 1980
On Damon’s birthday, Chris took a vacation day from work. He also did this for Avery before she was in school. It makes the birthday that much more special to have Daddy home from work. We enjoyed lunch together (where
Teresa, Karen, Grandma Rork and Grandpa Rork May 1981
Jon and Chris July 23, 2004 These sweet gentlemen are holding their wives’ bouquets and looking manly while doing it. Happy 11th anniversary, Jon and Lori Anne!
Chris, Mike Shin-ya and Casey April 2011
Teresa and Jon Undated photo Circa 1978
Mike, Emily, Fern, Connie, Linda (front, left to right) Casey, Dave, Chris, Suzanne (back, left to right) December 2003