We have discovered that Damon loves to be upside down. When we hold him upright, he usually flips himself backwards so he can be upside down. Then he gives us the biggest grin. Too bad we still don’t get many
Nine-month doctor’s appointment
Yesterday, Chris and I spent part of our anniversary at the pediatrician’s office for Damon’s nine-month visit. This visit did not include any vaccines, so there were no tears from Damon! Here are his current stats: Weight – 19 pounds,
Nine months old
This was the best milestone picture I could get today without any assistants helping me entertain Damon from behind the camera. The ball did help a little. He loves playing with this basketball! Yes, he’s “palming” it, as much as
Eight months old
Oops! Damon is wearing the same outfit from last month!
Eating the good stuff
Right after Christmas, we decided to start Damon on “real” food in addition to his bottles. Even though his pediatrician gave us the green light in November, we just weren’t ready to take the plunge until the holidays were over.
Giggle monster
This is the closest thing to a belly laugh Damon has given us so far. And, of course, Avery was the source of his laughter!
A few weeks ago, Avery noticed that Damon’s first tooth had popped through his lower gums. We knew the second one would be close behind. Here is a close-up photo of his first two chompers. Enjoy his adorable toothless grin
Seven months old
Just during the past week, Damon has started playing peek-a-boo. When we say, “Where’s Damon?” he covers his face with a blanket. Then when he pulls down the blanket, we say, “Peek-a-boo!” and he gives a big smile. It’s so
Six-month doctor’s appointment
Since we celebrated six months of knowing and loving Damon last week, today it was time for his next doctor’s appointment. Here are his current stats: Weight – 16 pounds, 12 ounces (25th percentile) Length – 26.5 inches (25th percentile)