Yesterday Damon had his annual well-child checkup with Dr. Roscoe. Here are Damon’s current stats:

Weight – 62.6 pounds, an increase of 6.4 pounds since last year (20th percentile)
Height – 51 inches, an increase of 1.5 inches since last year (6th percentile)

I forgot that Damon needed a couple of immunizations before he moves to middle school next year. The good news is that he didn’t have time to get nervous about getting the shots! One of the vaccines was his first meningitis shot. Dr. Roscoe explained that the vaccine would prevent an infection in the brain. With a horrified look on his face, Damon asked, “Am I going to get a shot in my head?” After some laughter, Dr. Roscoe and I reassured Damon that the shot goes in the arm, not the head!

Thankfully, this was an uneventful appointment!

10-year doctor’s appointment

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