This week’s lesson starts with Jesus, His (five or six) disciples, and Mary (Jesus’ mother) attending a wedding in Cana.

What were Jewish weddings like? The wedding festival lasted seven days, and the entire community was invited to attend. The bridegroom’s family was responsible for serving the guests for the entire week. To run out of food or wine would have brought embarrassment upon the entire family.

Mary was very concerned when this wedding celebration suddenly ran out of wine. She immediately went to Jesus to ask for His help. Mary knew that Jesus had the power to do anything. So she instructed the servants to obey whatever Jesus told them. Jesus told them to fill up six stone water jars. The servants obeyed. Then Jesus told the servants to draw some water out of the jars and take it to the master of the banquet. The servants obeyed. The master praised the bridegroom for saving the best wine for last.

This sign pointed to Jesus’ glory, deity, compassion, and grace. He also demonstrated His power over nature. He is the sovereign Lord – He is in control of all things. He has absolute authority and rule. Nothing is outside of His rule, and nothing is beyond His reach. Trusting in God’s sovereignty gives us a new perspective. We see every life event knowing it is subject to God’s good, pleasing, and perfect will. This allows us to be joyful in all circumstances.

Jesus didn’t have to perform this miracle. But He showed that He cared about the details of people’s lives. And He still cares enough for us to do the same.

After this wedding, Jesus went to Jerusalem for the Passover Festival. This festival was a celebration and a reminder that God freed His people from Egyptian slavery.

When He entered the temple courts, Jesus found tables full of moneychangers and vendors selling animals for the required sacrifices. Jesus saw His Father’s house turned into a market. The house of worship was turned into a place of business. Jesus made a whip to drive out the animals and the people. He overturned the tables.

Jesus demonstrated a righteous anger. He was filled with indignation over the wickedness and injustice against God. Righteous anger reveals an intolerance for sin.

The Jews questioned Jesus’ authority. Jesus referred to His coming death, burial, and resurrection when He said, “Destroy this temple, and I will raise it again in three days.” The Jews did not understand that Jesus was not talking about the physical temple but about His body.

This is when we see that many people began to follow Jesus because of His miracles and signs. But they eventually fall away because they do not like Jesus’ teachings.

Things to Think About

  • Mary went to Jesus with the problem not the solution. True faith takes our problem to God and expects Him to do something.
  • The servants at the wedding took Jesus at His Word. Do you take Jesus at His Word?
  • Jesus is sovereign over time, people, nature, life, and death. He is able to handle anything in our lives.
This Week’s Memory Verse
Jesus answered them, “Destroy this temple, and I will raise it again in three days.” John 2:19 NIV

BSF 2016-2017: John 2:1-25