The people in this passage were trapped in sin and its effects, though they may not have realized it. But Jesus healed them and met their deepest needs.
In the first miracle, four friends of a paralyzed man take him to Jesus for healing. They carry the man to the roof and lower him through the roof to Jesus who was preaching to a crowd below. Jesus sees the friends’ faith and says the man’s sins are forgiven.
Then the Jewish leaders question Jesus. They think He is dishonoring God because they know only God Himself could forgive sins. But Jesus is saying He is God.
After giving the man spiritual healing, Jesus also gives him physical healing. Jesus sees that the man’s greatest needs is the forgiveness of sin. He needs spiritual healing more than physical healing. Jesus shows the man He has the authority to forgive and to heal.
Next, Jesus calls Matthew to be one of His apostles. Matthew is a Jew and a tax collector. Because of his job, he is despised by his own people. When Jesus calls Matthew, he leaves everything to follow Him.
Matthew hosts a party at his house for tax collectors and “sinners,” and he invites Jesus to attend. The Pharisees question this. How could Jesus spend time, especially sharing a meal, with such horrible people? But Jesus reminds the Jewish leaders that He was doing God’s will by showing mercy to the people who needed it most. The Pharisees were looking down on the people God was calling to Him.
Jesus wasn’t done with His miracles! Jairus, a leader in the synagogue, approaches Jesus. He kneels before Jesus, believing He could heal his daughter simply by speaking. In the midst of this conversation, a woman who had been bleeding for 12 years touches Jesus’ cloak and was healed immediately. She believes she could be healed if she simply touches the hem of Jesus’ cloak. What faith she displays! Then at Jairus’ house, Jesus raised his daughter back to life.
There are two more miracles in this passage. Two blind men ask for mercy and believe Jesus could heal them. And He does. Finally, some friends bring a mute, demon-possessed man to Jesus for healing. And He does. Again, the Pharisees are skeptical. They accuse Jesus of casting out demons by Satan’s power.
Faith in Jesus changes lives – the paralytic walked, Matthew could see, the bleeding woman was well, Jairus’ daughter regained life, the blind men could see and the mute man talked. How is your faith in Jesus changing your life?
Things to Think About
- There is no power that enslaves us that is not subject to the power of Christ, which frees us.
- Who am I bringing to Christ like the paralyzed man’s friends did?
- Am I amazed by Jesus like the crowd, or do I doubt Him like the Pharisees?
- Matthew hosted a party to introduce his friends to Christ. Would I do the same? Which evidence in my life shows I am not ashamed to be associated with Christ?
- When God calls me to obey Him, will I do it with as much abandon as Matthew did?
- Jesus has the power to forgive, heal, call and restore.