Until reading Acts 8:1-9:30 this week, I never realized what a great example Philip is to us. Not only was he passionate about evangelism, he also was aware of God’s plan, was sensitive to God’s leading and was obedient to God’s calling.

Philip headed to Samaria to spread the gospel to the half-Jews there. The apostles were called to share the gospel in Samaria (Acts 1:8), but for one reason or another they hadn’t made it out of Jerusalem at this time. So Philip stepped up and helped the gospel spread outside the walls of Jerusalem. Do you and I make ourselves available to God, like Philip? Are we willing to be participants in God’s plan, wherever it takes us?

Philip headed south and encountered a eunuch reading Isaiah 53. An angel of God prompted Philip to stay near the eunuch’s chariot, giving Philip a chance to explain to the eunuch how Jesus Christ fulfilled the prophecies in Isaiah 53. God pulled Philip from a vibrant revival in Samaria to meet this lone man who was seeking God on a quiet desert road. God cares for individuals. He is not a God of chance. Are you and I aware of divine appointments from God? Are we asking God to give us divine appointments each day so we can share the good news of Jesus Christ?

The final lesson from this passage comes from Saul’s conversion on the road to Damascus. God had worked from the beginning of Saul’s life to prepare him for this dramatic conversion and his future role as the apostle to the Gentiles. Saul had studied the scriptures and became passionate about stamping out Christianity. But God caught hold of him and completely turned him around 180 degrees. Instead of seeking to destroy the early church, Saul (later renamed Paul) became one of the most powerful leaders of the Christian movement. God has a specific purpose for each of us, and he will change our hearts (sometimes dramatically!) to fulfill His plans for our lives.

I hope you’re still enjoying this journey through Acts with me!

BSF 2011-2012: Acts 8:1-9:30