Chapter 13 is the turning point in the book of Acts. Until now, the focus has been on Peter taking the gospel to the Jews, and Jerusalem has been the center of the new church. In chapter 13, the focus now moves to Paul taking the gospel to the Gentiles and Antioch as the church headquarters.

The believers in Antioch sent Paul and Barnabas, two of the church’s best teachers and leaders, to take the gospel to other lands. They started this first missionary journey at Cyprus, Barnabas’ homeland. Then they moved into Galatia. It’s a little exhausting to think about all the travel they did in just a few years…all by foot and boat!

All the way, Paul and Barnabas met persecution and opposition from Satan. But they kept moving and always were focused on their work for God. They never were deterred from their calling.

It’s so true that when we serve God, we should expect opposition. I’ve seen Satan at work many times in my life when I know I’m in the middle of God’s will and doing exactly what he wants me to do. But I’m so glad that God has overcome Satan. He protects and comforts me and ultimately gives me joy as I suffer through Satan’s opposition. God doesn’t always keep His own from injury, but He always is there to comfort us.

BSF 2011-2012: Acts 13