For the past eight years, I’ve enjoyed a yearlong, in-depth Bible study with an international group called Bible Study Fellowship (BSF). Each week consists of a personal study, a small group where we discuss our discoveries during the personal study, a lecture and comprehensive notes about the week’s Bible passage.

I’m officially a “graduate” this year since I’ve completed all eight studies in the series. Whoo hoo! Here is the full eight-year BSF schedule:

  • Isaiah
  • Acts of the Apostles
  • Genesis
  • Matthew
  • The Life of Moses
  • Romans
  • History of Israel and the Minor Prophets
  • John

After completing the eight years, I’ve read practically the whole Bible…or at least I can more clearly understand the Bible’s timeline and how everything fits together.

I’ve also had the pleasure of serving as a group leader for a few years. And this year, I’m tackling a new leadership position as a co-assistant children’s supervisor. That’s another post in itself!
Lately God has convicted me. I’ve realized that I haven’t shared as much of my biblical knowledge as I should. So this year I’m committing to sharing some of that knowledge with you, our blog readers! My BSF class meets on Monday nights, so each Tuesday I plan to post a summary of the week’s Scripture and my thoughts on the passage. This year’s study is Acts of the Apostles, which will cover many other New Testament books besides Acts.

I’m telling you all of this to help me stay accountable. If you expect to see a BSF post on Tuesdays, I’ll be more likely to deliver!

I hope the BSF posts this year will enlighten you about the Bible and God’s plan for you. Perhaps the new insight into the Scripture will encourage you to study the Bible on your own or even join a local BSF class near you! So get ready to travel with me through the book of Acts!

BSF 2011-2012: Acts of the Apostles