What a fantastic Christmas weekend! The festivities started with spending Christmas Eve with my parents and my sister, Karen. We ate dinner together and opened too many presents. (Cheeto got more presents than anyone!) Then we went to the candlelight service at Chris’ parents’ church.

Early Christmas morning, Chris and I exchanged our gifts. I was most excited about giving him an MP3 player, something he wanted but wasn’t expecting. Here he is rocking to the music on his new player:

I was completely shocked when I opened a special gift from Chris: a new camera! Recently I’ve been drooling over a camera that was a little too pricey for our price range, but Chris surprised me by using some of his basketball money to buy it for me (and Cheeto!). I’ve got about two months to learn all the bells and whistles before it will be time to take pictures of Cheeto.

We spent Christmas day with my extended family. We had a great time together, especially playing Catchphrase. My grandma was very entertaining and witty during the game!

Friday was Christmas with Chris’ family. We watched a few movies (sort of a tradition for the Clarks) and ate a lot of food. Chris’ parents surprised us by buying a crib for Cheeto. So Chris and his dad spent part of Saturday assembling the crib:

After I wash the bedding, a gift courtesy of Grandma and Grandpa Hromada, we’ll be well on our way to setting up the nursery.

Saturday night was Chris’ only basketball game of the week. I wasn’t planning on going. But since it was a good excuse to play with our new camera, I decided to go! I got some pretty good shots and had fun experimenting with the camera.

So that’s how we spent our Christmas. We hope everyone else had a blessed Christmas with family and friends!

Christmas with the Clarks