Our church (Mount Pleasant Christian Church) is turning 125 years old on Teresa and my anniversary, April 17, 2009. One of the things MPCC is doing for this celebration is creating a church pictorial directory. With 4,000 members, obviously this is a daunting task. However, a Web site has been set up to allow members to log on and schedule their appointments.

Well, I just logged on and scheduled our time. I chose a time slot in March because that way Cheeto can be in the picture. This seemed neat and not a big deal until it came time to “select the number in your party.” Picking “three” felt quite strange. Maybe it is the fact that I now have something on my Palm Pilot that includes Cheeto!

It will be great to have a professional picture just a month after our little one arrives. But scheduling the appointment now kinda freaks me out! 🙂

Picture for three